Let’s face it– few things in life are more disappointing, frustrating, and emotionally draining than the feeling of being underemployed.
From our perspective, it’s easy to see the gaps between where we are and where we want to be and it’s seemingly impossible to see how our current job is serving a very important purpose.
Perhaps we need to change our perspective.
Stepping into professional life in your mid 20′s is the equivalent of being in kindergarten… by nature, we are the “low man on the totem pole.” The harsh reality is that we constitute an entitled generation who expect to have the same quality of life as our parents before we hit 30 while failing to realize that it took them their entire lives to reach their success.
5 Questions to Refocus Your Current Job:
- Are you learning at least one new skill? Communication, sales, processes and organization, the art of dealing with a difficult manager?
- Is it paying your bills? …and buying you some comfort and time for you to plan for your future?
- Are you meeting interesting people? Are you building relationships with co-workers, managers, and people in other parts of the company? (i.e. networking)
- Is it providing a catalyst for other big changes or improvements in your life? Such as a big move, or even learning how to budget and save money?
- Are you giving it your best, regardless of how long you plan to stay? In other words if work takes your precious time, it is worth your enthusiastic effort.
Often when we find ourselves disappointed (in any area of life) it’s simply because life has not reflected our expectations. Take a moment this week to realign your expectations with your current reality and commit to slow steady progress as you continue to grow in your professional pursuits.
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20u is an online community where you can connect with and learn from like-minded twentysomethings who are committed to being bold in the face of uncertainty and taking action during this decade of transition.
This is what we believe:
- Life isn’t a dress rehearsal, so live through adventure.
- Momentum carries you through the ups and downs to success.
- Intentional action is the root of success.