Motivation Monday: Getting Back on Track


Does the spring weather have you feeling ready to get back on track?? Whether this is the first time you’re really committing to getting in shape, or the fifth or fiftieth time you’ve tried to make a fitness resolution, hopefully the following advice will get you moving. No excuses this time. You’ve got this!!  👊🏼👍🏼

1️⃣ Treat Yo’ Self!

Set a target goal for the month of hitting your workout 3 times a week. After a month is up, treat yourself! Or, you lose 2 inches around the waist? Buy a new pair of pants!

2️⃣ Turn Working Out into an Event

Instead of making a date for drinks with friends, make a date to go to meet for exercise. Find a class that sounds appealing or meet to go for a jog with friend(s) – celebrate by grabbing a shake afterward! Meeting for some fitness guarantees some awesome conversation while having a healthy shake.

3️⃣ Have a Fitness Plan

If possible, sign up for your workouts in advance. It’s easy to ditch your workout to stay in bed or for a last minute ‘thing’ that comes up. Signing yourself up holds you accountable – you’re more likely to stick with your workout plans when your time and/or money has already been scheduled.

4️⃣ Make Yourself Accountable

Make a shared fitness calendar for you and your friends! You can each add your workouts on there and join each other with workouts to stay motivated and accountable.

5️⃣ Face your Fitness Fears

The only way we can be courageous is to face fear or resistance head on. Put a post-it note on your mirror, fridge, day planner, or computer screen that says just that: ‘Choose Courage.’ This applies in our lives across the board – to get in our exercise, to tackle a 10K, or to try a new yoga pose! Courage can be put into action anywhere.

6️⃣ Stay Fueled

Change up your eating schedule. Small meals throughout the day keep you energized for your workouts. The first thing you should put in your body when you wake up is a glass of water, followed by a small breakfast within the hour. I recommend 6 small meals throughout the day (about every 3 hours) while continuing to consume enough water to keep you hydrated (hydration is key!). This will keep you fueled through the day and help you stick to it.
(Tips inspired by Jen Delvaux)

-by Fitness with Carrie

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