Tie Your Shoes

My mindset has changed.

It’s not about what the mirror shows you. It’s about tying your shoes.

It took five months for the “mirror” to start showing the person hidden inside. For five months I woke up at the crack of dawn and tied my shoes.

As we head into the cold months – the season when depression, sickness, and unhealthy habits kick in full force –> we are all in danger or fighting the war within.

Fifteen months ago, I walked into a gym wearing a pajama shirt and shorts that hardly fit. I thought to myself “some people can’t walk across the room- I can lift five pound weights and throw them over my head- it’s a start.”

For me, waking up meant: get to moving. For you, it may simply be—> Get up. Tie your shoes. And sit on the sofa. Simply getting out of bed. Next week, try walking. The week after, move your body in a way that makes you become stronger.

Never stop getting stronger.

Maybe you’re a workout freak- that’s not the problem. Maybe you need to get up. Tie your shoes. And sit reading the word- soaking up good medicine to conquer your day.

That’s my season.

I want to encourage you to wake up. Tie your shoes and kick the day in it’s face.

The mirror doesn’t always reflect – but your soul does.

-by Kati Gibson

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