Old-time Claremore, or maybe not so old…

meltonBack in 1958 , when I got out of the Army and started selling cars in Claremore, there were quite a few new car dealerships, where now I believe there are three. To the best of my memory, they were ;  1. Kissee Robinson Ford, 2. Melton Pontiac, 3. Bill Duty Studebaker, 4. Morris Parrott Oldsmobile,  5. Davis Jeep, 6. Aldridge Chrysler Plymouth, 7. Munson Mercury, 8. Redfern Buick, and 9. Jack Marshal Chevrolet. There may have been one or two that I overlooked; on top of these, there were several used car dealers, one of whom was Archie Moffiet. These were all growing concerns, plus Main Street was filled with thriving businesses of all sorts. Yes, we were a bustling little community about half the population we are now. But alas, progress came and you know the rest of the story.

-D&H (Don & Henry Hill)

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