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Verdigris Valley Daughters of the American Revolution to participate in Constitution Week

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution urges Americans toreflect on the United States Constitution during this month’s annual observance...

Free Lecture Totem: As Monument Coming to Will Rogers Memorial Museum

Sunday, August 6th, from 3-5PM you're invited to the Will Rogers Memorial Museum for Totem: As Monument, a Free Lecture on everyone's favorite Totem...

Claremore Museum of History Wins Award of Excellence for Lynn Riggs Gallery

The American Association for State and Local History recently recognized the Claremore Museum of History by honoring them with the Award of Excellence for...

The Great Bunion Derby

The Great Bunion Derby         In March, 1928, the great Bunion Derby, a footrace across the United States, began in California, and Andrew Payne,...

Claremore’s Ballpark

Telling the history of Claremore…one story at a time. Published in Claremore Daily Progress on January 27, 2007 by Larry Larkin, Column Progress Correspondent The ring of the...

First Toll Road in Oklahoma

Telling the History of Claremore…one story at a time This information was in the June 28, 1953 Claremore Progress. It was about 1916 that the commissioners...

Cadet Grill

Telling the history of Claremore…one story at a time CADET GRILL This article appeared in the Claremore Progress, August 12, 2007. Written by Larry Larkin.  An advertising...

Go see the Patti Page Exhibit at the Claremore MOH

The Patti Page Exhibit Patti Page, born on November 8, 1927 was an American singer and actress. Page’s signature song, “Tennessee Waltz”, was one of the biggest-selling singles of...

Early Education Among the Cherokees in Rogers County

Telling the History of Claremore…one story at a time The formal education of the Cherokee people began with the invention of their alphabet by Sequoyah...

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