How-To: Spooky Spirit Jugs!

So Halloween is still a month away, and we have a really cute project for you this year. We’re giving it to you in advance because you need to have plenty of time to drink lots of milk. You’ll see.


Spirit jugs! Aren’t they cute? Now you understand why you’re getting so much notice.


Here’s what you need:

clean gallon jugs (milk, orange juice, whatever)

black permanent marker

“craft” knife (What is a craft knife? Wouldn’t just any kind of sharp knife work? I say yes.)

string of clear low-wattage Christmas lights


First, (well, actually second, because first was drinking 20 gallons of milk), use the marker to draw super-duper scary faces on your jugs. Then color in the faces.


Next, use whatever kind of knife you were able to find, and cut a small hole in the back of the jug. Then line up your spooky jugs along the sidewalk, and stuff all the Christmas lights inside, using a few in each jug. You should probably plan to end up near an outlet when you’re finished. That’s just good planning.

Happy Halloween! And start drinking that milk!

Read all of the instructions by the original genius behind this cute idea here! And she gets all the credit for the photo, too. 


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