Michelle Rahn, science teacher at Westside Elementary, is in the running for a grant that will enable her to provide students iPads, thus creating a mobile science lab.
Farmer’s Insurance is committed to giving $1 million in grants as part of their “Thank A Million Teachers” program. Mrs. Rahn is in the running and she needs all of us to help her win!
You can vote once every 24 hours. That’s once a day, folks! And it’s easy.
Just go to thankamillionteachers.com.
At the top right, click Vote for a Proposal.
You’re voting for a $2500 proposal. (I bet you can skip the first two steps and go straight to this one.)
Then in the search bar, either type CLAREMORE in the city box or RAHN in the name box. You’ll type in your email address and click that you’re over 18.
That’s it. Let’s help the kids get the best technology available! Vote for Mrs. Rahn’s proposal! Remember: it’s for the kids.