It seems that everything revolves around the internet and social media these days, and kids are adapting to it much more quickly than their elders. (Seriously, my toddler can operate an iPad better than his dad can.)
As adults, we are constantly hearing about all these apps that teens are using to chat with their friends. Of course, they’re texting. But there’s also Snapchat. Kik. Whisper. Because in case you haven’t heard, Facebook is for “old people.” LOL.
Parents may be wary about what their kids are chatting about, but there may be more secrets than you know. It turns out, internet acronyms have evolved from LOL and OMG. Below, we have a much longer list of the abbreviations kids are using now. You’ll want to know what they mean.
1. IWSN – I want sex now
2. GNOC – Get naked on camera
3. NIFOC – Naked in front of computer
4. PIR – Parent in room
5 CU46 – See you for sex
6. 53X – Sex
7. 9 – Parent watching
8. 99 – Parent gone
9. 1174′ – Party meeting place
10. THOT – That hoe over there
11. CID – Acid (the drug)
12. Broken – Hungover from alcohol
13. 420 – Marijuana
14. POS – Parent over shoulder
15. SUGARPIC – Suggestive or erotic photo
16. KOTL – Kiss on the lips
17. (L)MIRL – Let’s meet in real life
18. PRON – Porn
19. TDTM – Talk dirty to me
20. 8 – Oral sex
21. CD9 – Parents around/Code 9
22. IPN – I’m posting naked
23. LH6 – Let’s have sex
24. WTTP – Want to trade pictures?
25. DOC – Drug of choice
26. TWD – Texting while driving
27. GYPO – Get your pants off
28. KPC- Keeping parents clueless
It’s a good idea to monitor what your teens are chatting about. Keep those kids safe!