“This site has received heavy interest following La Quinta’s announcement to locate at this intersection ,” said Jeri Koehler, Executive Director of Claremore Industrial and Economic Development Authority (CIEDA). “A contract is underway and we look forward to sharing more information as this development comes on line.”
The current site plan includes 15,000 sq/ft of retail space with a stand-alone 3,600 sq/ft restaurant site.

Koehler and her team were responsible for recruiting Main Street Tavern to the downtown district and engaged with Chick-fil-A and Petsense to locate in Claremore. They have published an extensive list of available commercial properties in their 2015-16 “Grounds for Development” guide.
“The guide has been a great marketing and recruitment tool. It has stirred excitement for the site selectors and developers who represent the various brands we are working to recruit,” said Koehler.
The focus in recruitment comes after a 2014 survey conducted by CIEDA that polled the citizens of Claremore. The data collected from the “Bring it Claremore” campaign showed a strong interest in bringing new restaurants, grocery stores, and specialty retailers to Claremore.
The 2015-16 “Grounds for Development” guide can be found online at ClaremoreRetail.com.
This is great news. Thanks for sharing
About time
I’m so excited to see our city grow. We need big thinkers and new business. We really can be More in Claremore!
Yay! That place is such an eyesore when coming into Claremore. Looking forward to something new for this spot!
Bout time
If walls could talk!! Lol
Probably a good thing.
That is great news!!!!
Too Bad. Turning Claremore into one big strip mall
Im so glad to here this. The place is so old an ran down. Sorry to all that have made there homes in it. But time to move on.
That was like a strip mall for drug dealers..glad to see it go
Does anyone know when the Elms was built, it has been there as long as I can remember?
I’m happy about this, too many drug bust in that place I hope.and think this will be good for Claremore yay bring on the change
Thank god. Drug motel adios!!!!
great news!!
Where will the crack heads go? Lol. It’s about time!
Candice Buford Louise Kuhlenschmidt
Brandon Irby Jeri Koehler Amy Gordon
Good news
Being a Rt 66 town, I would have loved to see this motel fixed up and marketed to the international Rt 66 tourists. Claremore doesn’t have much to offer to them and we’re tearing down what we do have.
Wow this is great. So excited.
Tj Luster
I though that was a historical hotel being on 66
I wish we had a Zio’s
Brittany Gilmore
This is exciting! Where will the druggies go now?
Another land mark gone. 🙁 I have told my children that pretty soon I will not even recogonise Claremore any more but I suppose seeing the Elms Motel gone is a good thing.
Can we get a descent seafood restaurant, please ð
Definitely need more food places!!
Its a shame the place went downhill. Too bad we couldn’t find a way to turn it around into one of the very few remaining Rt 66 themed motels. A big loss imo. Is anyone going to drive to Claremore for another Verizon retail store, or another Subway? Wish we could put more focus on playing up what has taken many decades to get to – and what sets us apart from any other pop-up community. We don’t need more empty retail buildings sitting around – ie the 2-story unit at 1st and hwy-66 across from the court house which has been vacant for over a year, the massive, vacant medical park on the north side of town, and of course the failed mess on the south side by Walmart. I just hope the developer has solid commitments from at least one anchor tenant on this so we don’t have yet another empty building.
Unfortunately, it would be so costly to to repair the Elms to standards that people would actually visit that no sound investors would even touch it. It’s so bad for illegal activity that local agencies will not send individuals there with housing vouchers. We do have a historic downtown and we have a historic portion of RT 66 that could use some investment improvements. Maybe we focus on what we still have instead of what we have to let go of. The JM Davis, although is needing some capital improvements, is still in great shape. I know some might be upset about the Elms but why not stand behind those landmarks that can be supported and improved upon. Often our greatest mistake is waiting until we are at the point of no return which is where the Elms is now. I’m incredibly grateful that we have new industry that will provide jobs and retail options as well as that much yelled about need of RESTAURANTS!
I am excited with the change! I also agree with some of you about the landmarks all going away, I wish there were a way to just make it better, but unfortunately I don’t know how realistic that is.
On another note, I wish we could open the bowling alley back up, and bring some more fun to this town. We have movies and skating. That’s it. Maybe lazertag or some kind of indoor rock climbing etc. Something fun for kids and adults to get out and do.
There are “druggies” living in $200.000 houses near me. So don’t just put them in run down places. Druggies are everywhere. 4-5 people driving are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. It’s bad. Plus add cell phones and texting……dangerous.
Need Texas roadhouse
Please, please, please tell me the returaunt will be something other than Mexican or Asian. Don’t get me wrong, I love both. But, we have plenty! We need variety!!!!
Great, that will be awesome cause as I go back and forth on weekends I started to see new things. Can’t wait to call it my residents, the people are very friendly.
That’s sad. It’s been there my whle life. 🙁
Much needed!!!!!
Jamie Johnston
what is going to be built there?
I’d like to have an aldi. I think the old drug warehouse would be a perfect spot.
Sad to see it go. It has character and practically a landmark how long it’s been there.
Awesome news it’s just a big infestation of drugs has been for the past 15 or so yrs
Good riddance. But I hope the city warned the potential new business about the criminally high electricity and the something like 100% sales tax. But I did see that 20 is getting 4 lanes so we can all go to Owasso faster.
Stayed there about eight years ago building rigs in the Port of Contusia
Genesis Robinson
Looking forward to a new restaurant for the dog show exihibitors!
I barely recognize Claremore from my youth 🙁
Yes it’s a landmark, but it’s all roach and bedbug infested. Not to mention all the drug bust
The Elms has been gross since I was a kid and I’m 44! I never understood why it was still there.
All things must come to an end. Progress.
Ryan Deckard We were just talking about Elms Motel the other day!
Jim Johnson
The elms was a nicer establishment years ago when my father traveled a lot and sometimes stayed in claremore. I remember visiting him there when I was little with my mom. He was a truck driver a lot of my young years so when he was stopped close to chelsea we’d go meet and see him. But now as an adult with children myself the place is horrible nothing but druggies and bedbugs honestly it doesn’t represent claremorans well at all the majority of us are upstanding citizens not dopers and druggies I am so glad for this new improvement! Now I won’t have to ever worry about one of my teenagers getting caught up in some if the nonsense that happens there! Hey us parents need all the help we can get here! My kkds are good with excellent heads on their shoulders but that doesn’t mean I haven’t needed help and this I feel is a great help as a parent.
Are they tearing this one down too?
Who are the new retailers?