RSU Instructor Talks Mental Health, Health Care at State Capitol


A member of Rogers State University’s nursing faculty recently spoke with state representatives as part of the Oklahoma Nurses Association’s Nurse of the Day program.

nurseNursing Instructor Amy Richards spoke to Oklahoma’s Senate and House of Representatives about the importance of mental health and health care on April 7. In addition to addressing state representatives, Richards also met one-on-one with Rep. Mark Lepak to discuss nursing and mental health issues in Oklahoma.

The Nurse of the Day program serves as an advocacy tool for nurses across the state to meet with legislators and participate in the legislative process. The program creates opportunities for state nurses to make their voices heard on issues related to nursing profession and the delivery of care nurses provide.

Richards received two state citations for her experience.

For more information about the Nurse of the Day program, visit

Pictured: Nursing Instructor Amy Richards meets with Rep. Mark Lepak as part of the Oklahoma Nurses Association’s Nurse of the Day program.

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