Pictured left to right: Ty Burnett, Rick Bitting, Kyle Stephens, Jason Crandall, Johnnie Dudley, and Larry East
The Claremore Elks Lodge #1230 recently made a $2500 donation to our Claremore Fire Department! The department has been pursuing the possibility of taking Swiftwater Awareness training through Rescue 3 International, which is the world leader in water and rope rescue education.
Thanks to the generosity of the Elks, the training for all CFD personnel has happened much sooner than anticipated. A huge ‘thank you’ to the Claremore Elks!
Chris Hayes Rumney Crandolis Zane Copper Jim Arnold Marty Osborne Greg Mullen Celina Disque Davis Carina Martz Mullen
Thanks Ashley
Way to go Elks!