Suits for Soldiers Happening Now: You Can Help, Claremore!


Starting today through November 30, Americans across the country can support veterans transitioning into the civilian workforce by donating gently used and dry cleaned suits or professional attire for men and women at more than 13,000 Farmers® agencies. Did you know that almost 25% of vets between the ages of 18 and 24 are unemployed?

Travis Wyrick, one of our valued customers and an agent for Farmer’s Insurance, is participating in his company’s Suits for Soldiers program. Suits can be dropped off at his office, 7718 S 91st St, Suite 120 in Tulsa. You can also drop them off at Dry Cleaning Station in Owasso. We will clean them at no charge and get them to Travis.

Our route customers can put suits for donation into a shopping bag and include them in the orders we pickup.

Veteran’s Day is this Friday, a great time to participate in this program for our country’s heroes.

Learn more at

-by Tom Keenze
Dry Cleaning Station, Owasso

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