Walmart in Claremore once again hosted a Food Drive on April 1st for Meals on Wheels. Claremore Meals on Wheels (MOW) wishes to thank the entire Rogers County Community for your participation. Rogers County Mounted Patrol, Claremore Fire Department, Claremore Marine Corp League and OHP Marine Enforcement Division joined several individuals to make this a very successful Food Drive. A total of 1794 containers of food plus donations totaling $7672.40 for a combined value of goods and cash were received.
MOW is an agency of United Way, thus receiving major support from them. So MOW is doubly appreciative of Rogers County people for supporting United Way, but also directly supporting MOW to help provide funds over and above that received from United Way.
Rogers County Mounted Patrol, Claremore Fire Department equipment and the OHP Marine Enforcement Air Boat were on display. New this year was The Penitentiary-On Wheels brought by Dexter Bolin. A lot of activity centered around customers bailing friends out of jail via food contributions.
Firefighters available Saturday, April 1 were: Jeff Downing, Travis Timms, Zach Sherman, Casey Morrison, Jimmy Hamilton, Jeff Beatty, TY Burnett, Seth Wages, Bret Hollingworth, Robert Casey.
Firefighters available Sunday, April 2 to unload trailers were: Ken Willhoite, Darrell Wilson, Rodney Holme, Jordan Madole, Jack Massey, Chris Hayes, Josh Irby, Steven Cox, Steve Hammer, Cory Conner.
MOW and the shut-ins we serve wish to express appreciation to all of Rogers County Walmart customers for your fabulous support.