Excitement was in the air as the Claremore Public Schools Foundation (CPSF) trustees conducted their biannual grant patrol on Friday, April 28. In all, CPSF awarded over $26,000 in grants to 17 teachers among all six school sites.
Along with donuts and balloons, teachers were presented with certificates and notified of their awards supporting classroom materials, technology needs, equipment, field trips, and enrichment projects.
“Grant patrol is our favorite day,” said CPSF Allocations Committee Chair Jolynn Dotson. “The excitement is everywhere! To see the faces of joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude from the teachers and students is absolutely priceless.”
Grants are awarded in December and May based on teacher and site applications for funding of projects and materials aligned with the CPSF mission to “enrich the quality of education in the Claremore Public Schools.”
Since its inception in 1988, the Claremore Public Schools Foundation has helped provided more than $1.59 million in grants to teachers and school sites. A private, non-profit organization, CPSF relies on the contributions of individuals and corporate donors. Through the CPSF Partners Program, businesses and individuals can show their annual support of Claremore Public Schools at a significant level. The 2016-17 Partners include Whataburger; Taylor, Foster, Mallett, Downs, Ramsey & Russell; Bill & Phyllis Snyder; Rosenstein, Fist & Ringold; RCB Bank, Robson Properties, The Print Shop, Pelco Structural, Nees Realty, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Mosier, Leadership Rogers County, Hillcrest Hospital- Claremore, Eastern Oklahoma Orthopedic Center, CF Industries, and BancFirst. For more information about the Claremore Public Schools Foundation, visit claremorepublicschoolsfoundation.org, or contact Executive Director Amy Evans at 918-923-4308.

Kelli Doolin’s grants, Roosa Stars Shine & Drum- Rhythm, Fitness & Fun, will provide music tracks and equipment for the music program and curriculum that integrates fitness and the fine arts for the students at Roosa Elementary. Pictured are trustee Kim Cox, Doolin, CPSF Executive Director Amy Evans, and trustees Phyllis Snyder and Misty Choat.
On the Go Video, a grant by Jeff Faulconer, Robert Clark & Kenny Hindenburg will provide a large scale, high resolution, portable video screen to allow high school student generated video content to be exhibited at events and venues throughout the school in any light. Pictured are trustee Misty Choat, CPSF Executive Director Amy Evans, Faulconer, and trustees Kym Claborne & David Merriman.
Amy Gilliam’s grant will provide Chromebook tablets for student use in English classrooms at Will Rogers Junior High, supporting the building of research, composition, and advanced communication skills. Pictured are CPSF trustee Jolynn Dotson, CPSF Executive Director Amy Evans, trustee Patti Lehman, Gilliam, and trustees Misty Choat and David Merriman.