2 year old preschool
Backpack (normal size, not small)
2 boxes tissues (Kleenex)
2 ream copy paper
Plastic folder with brads
1 week supply diapers/pullups/underwear
2 change of clothes to stay at school
1 package wipes
1 sippy cup to stay at school (no straw please)
1 pkg. Ziploc gallon size bags
1 pkg. Ziploc sandwich size bags
Snacks for 18
1 pkg. Dixie cups 5 oz. size
2 glue sticks
Pipsqueaks markers
1 bottle glue
1 set water colors
Naptime: blanket, small pillow
2 inch nap mat
1 large pkg. Clorox wipes
3 ring zipper pencil pouch clear front