The Rogers County Feeding Extravaganza is launching a new Baby Chick Feeding Program, which will run from December 16 – mid-May 2018.
The rules are as follows:
1. Must live in Rogers County or attend a Rogers County School, public, private, or home school. Children must be 4 years old to the 12th grade when program starts December 16th.
2. Each child will need to meet at Stillwater Milling on Sunday, November 5th, at 2:30 P.M. to pre-pay for chicks. Cost to enter program will be $25.00, which will pay for your 10 pullets.
3. Each child will purchase 10 red sex linked pullets from same hatchery, which will be ordered by program. Each child will grow these pullets through the winter months and bring back 2 pullets to be judged in the second week of May at a banquet to be held at Chelsea High School Cafeteria. Each animal will judged on a set of characteristics determined by the judge for laying capacity and overall appearance. Each child will also decorate their own cage to display their birds on the night of the banquet, which will also be judged.
4. Awards given night of Banquet:
1st Place – $500.00
2nd Place – $250.00
3rd Place – $100.00
Cage Winners:
1st Place – $100.00
2nd Place – $75.00
3rd Place – $50.00
5. Each child will also sell raffle tickets on 2 chances to win a fat hog the night of the banquet. These chances will be sold for $1.00 a piece with all money being kept by the child to pay for their project.
6. This program is built around the child and the harder they work selling raffle tickets, the more money they will make.
7. We have yet to determine if we will auction each child’s pullets off at the banquet or let them go back home with the child, but we will have a pie auction the night of the banquet and introduce each child and feed everyone, with all money raised through donations and pie auction split evenly among the kids in program.
8. Any questions, call Brian Marlin at 918 706 0341.