Ron Burrows, RCC District 3:
- Partnering with City of Claremore helps all smaller communities around us
- A new company should be announcing its opening in Rogers County within the next couple months.
- It would bring 300 jobs to town in phase 1 and an additional 300+ in phase 2.
Steve Hendrix, RCC District 2:
- Completion of 193rd Street near Stone Canyon
- Oologah 169 bridge reopens
- Lots of new asphalt work throughout the district
- Partners with Heritage Hills, making it a public course
- 5 new neighborhoods being built, 300 new houses in district
Dan DeLozier, RCC District 1:
- 30 miles of roads replaced
- Working with City of Claremore on multiple projects
- Building bridge at Lowry, bike trails, Expo work, all of these projects touch Claremore.
- “Proud to do what we do.”
- Priority is safety and those people driving the roads
Scott Marsh, County Assessor:
- Praised his co-workers. A great group of people that act like family. (Mostly good. Ha.)
- 4,500 sales in 2017 in Rogers County.
- Annual Performance Audit and Sales Ratio – Following state procedures must have 190 to pass, received 268 out of 275 score. Hopes for perfect next year!
Jason Carini, Treasurer:
- 2.5 years into job
- Defining moment, being ahead of schedule.
- Focused on customer service, make it easier to pay taxes online. Accepting E-checks.
- New drop box at courthouse, can pay after hours or weekends
- 5 locations – Chelsea, Inola, Oologah, Catoosa and Owasso.
Jeanne Heidlage, County Clerk:
- Record keeper for county,
- Make sure tax dollars go to the right place
- Updating healthcare for county employees, $746,000 in savings.
- New software platform, up and running July 2018,
- Provide records online, no cost to public.
- Digitizing records back to early 1900s
Kim Henry, Court Clerk:
- Deals with Supreme court, place you pay tickets, file for divorce
- New jury system coming soon, will be run by Supreme Court
- Selects via drivers license, register online, picked by computer.
- E-filings for attorneys, coming soon.
Scott Walton, Sheriff:
- Best county government to work with in his career.
- Challenges include city growth, jail population near 300, capacity 250.
- 4 corrections officers running entire jail.
- Focused on career criminals, no job, just using the system. Not loading up on unpaid fines, etc.
- Wants Claremore to be “A good place to avoid, not pass through.” for criminals.