A special contribution from CPS Superintendent Bryan Frazier
The month of January marks the annual observance of School Board Recognition Month – a time to salute the commitment and dedication of board members in their volunteer work and celebrate public education.
In Claremore Public Schools, school board members must develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues impacting the community of Claremore. They bear responsibility for an annual budget of $26 million, 3900 students, and 450 employees. They carry out the truest form of representative government in our democracy – volunteer public service. These board members preserve the core values of this community and the foundation of our country’s democracy, public education.
We do not always recognize the decisions and hard work of these public servants elected to represent us and the interest of our children. Contact them and ask how you might help support your neighborhood schools. Write a board member a thank you note. Let them know you appreciate what they are doing for the students in Claremore Public Schools.
The board members serving Claremore Public Schools and their years of service are:
President – Mr. Patrick Gotcher Years on the Board – Nine Years
Vice-President – Mr. Rick Mosier Years on the Board – Sixteen Years
Clerk – Mr. Brandon Wofford Years on the Board – Three Years
Member – Mr. Rodney Henry Years on the Board – Three Years
Member – Mr. Jeffery Gettinger Years on the Board – Six Months
Thank you, gentlemen, for all you do for Claremore Public Schools!
Bryan Frazier
Claremore Public Schools