Habitat for Humanity of Claremore is pleased to announce the hire of Diane Forst as their new Executive Director.
“We could not have found a better match for our new executive director than that of Diane,” said Courtney Blevins, Habitat for Humanity Claremore President. “She is incredibly hardworking and has a passion for helping others. We are very excited for the future of Habitat for Humanity Claremore with the addition of Diane.”
Diane is a perfect fit for Habitat for Humanity. She has fifteen years of credit union management experience and is a licensed Realtor. She co-founded Bridge for the Future Rogers County in 2014, a non-profit that works to reduce poverty in Rogers County, and has served as president from 2014 to 2017. She currently volunteers as the treasurer. She is also a certified trainer for Bridges Out of Poverty and Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ by World.
“Five years ago I heard and answered God’s call to help bridge the gap between people in poverty and the middle class,” said Diane. “I’ve seen God’s hand in each step I’ve taken and I look forward to working with our amazing Claremore Habitat for Humanity team and our community to give those struggling among us a hand up.”
In the community, Diane is already very active. Besides her volunteer work with Bridge for the Future Rogers County, she serves at First Christian Church Claremore as Deacon, is 2018 Board Chairperson and has served as ministry team chairperson for Church Family Life.
Habitat for Humanity Claremore began in 2001 and has since built eleven homes. We partner with families in need to build decent, affordable homes. Our goals are to eliminate substandard housing, build a sense of community with our volunteers and supporters, and to partner with local families to build strength, stability and self-reliance with people and families in need of a decent and affordable home. We are currently taking applications for a partner family until March 1. Please visit our website for more details: www.HabitatClaremore.org/Home-Application. Habitat for Humanity is an Equal Housing Opportunity lender.