Over the last few months Claremore Main Street has been raising money for their project, ‘Music on Main’. Music on Main is a simple concept, bring ambient music into downtown Claremore and increase the walkability experience.
As of Friday, March 16th, the $26,000 goal has been met!
Speakers will be placed on light poles throughout downtown Claremore providing music from the Will Rogers Hotel all the way to Bike-About bike shop.
The speakers will mostly serve as background music for shoppers and folks enjoying a downtown stroll. Music will change per the season and the system can also be used to make announcements at downtown events and for streaming live music from one end of downtown to the other.
Main Street Director, Jessica Jackson, made the announcement at the St. Paddy’s Party Friday night in the Main Street Tavern parking lot, “We wanted the people of Claremore to come out and support this and I am very proud to announce that we raised more than $26,000 and officially made our goal!“
Corporate sponsors include: RCB Bank, The District on Main, The Claremore Museum of History, Downtown Claremore Merchants Association and GRDA. These sponsors helped match donations from the crowdfunding project and brought this dream to reality.
Ordering and installation of the system will happen in the next few months. We will keep you updated. We are excited for Music on Main!