Front row, L to R: Jessica Wilbourn, Robin LePage, Amber Gilliland, Kaleigh Hassock, Amy Littleton, Brandon Parduhn, Ashley Orf, and Sara Stephens
Back row, L to R: Erin Griffiths, Kevin Fortna, Michael Martin, Chip Shepard, Clay Loney, Connor Pulley, Davis Johnson, Nancy Williams, and Willie Ng
Leadership Rogers County had the opportunity this month to visit several interesting locations. The first stop was an historic library that has been converted into the Claremore Museum of History. During the visit, the class learned that this is the only place in Oklahoma to have Lynn Riggs items from the movie Oklahoma!. “This year, we are celebrating 75 years of Oklahoma! with something special,” said Andy Couch, MoH director. August 31st will be the release of something very rare at the museum. Keep your eyes and ears out for the announcements to come.
Highlights of the day included a trip to RSU-TV and Radio, where the class learned about the unique opportunities RSU students have to prepare them for the workforce. Tanya Andrews of Visit Claremore visited the LRC group and said, “Our goal and mission is to bring people to Claremore as a destination.”
Before wrapping up the morning in Claremore, the class headed over to the Will Rogers Memorial Museum, where they were greeted by Assistant Director Jake Krumwiede, and Will Rogers impersonator Andy Hogan, who entertained the group with colorful tales of Will Rogers.
The final destination for the day was the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Catoosa. The class took a behind-the-scenes tour of the property before adjourning for lunch in the Sky Room. Clay Loney of Fox 23 News led a lively conversation about factual news vs. news that draws attention. He left the group with this quote, “When you have a message, communicate it clearly.”
Leadership Rogers County is a wonderful program that helps encourage active participation in the local community, charities, and government. Find out how you can get involved today by visiting