Successful large companies use the process of Open Innovation to provide them with a competitive advantage and surpass their competitors. This workshop will draw on insights pioneered by Dr. Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation is the notion that a company should not only look to its internal R&D capacities for product development but “open” its technology base to the wider marketplace of ideas to augment project development. Open Innovation is a system for finding and acquiring new technologies from anywhere in the world to enhance a company’s pipeline at home.
The half-day session will be held in Claremore from 8 AM – noon on June 5th. Please call 918 772-8334 to visit www.neokregion.ork to register. The cost is $20 and includes breakfast.
The workshop will highlight how manufacturing companies are utilizing Open Innovation. A representative from the following will be on hand:
Rye Design
A custom automation equipment manufacturer as well as an integrator for a variety of components and robotic lines. They are a custom shop and everything they do is engineered from start to finish and designed to work and work well.
Saxon Remote Systems
Saxon is a provider of remotely operated vehicle (ROV) services to marine and offshore industries. The company will specialize in a wider variety of remote system technology platforms, geared for aerial, sub-surface and marine applications. Saxon originally formed to provide unmanned aerial services to existing clients of OceanTech as well as a broader range of pertinent industries around the world.
This workshop is brought to northeast Oklahoma by way of the UAS Cluster Initiative for Oklahoma and Kansas. This event is being supported by NORA, Claremore Industrial and Economic Development Authority, Small Business Administration, Cherokee Nation Businesses, Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technolgy as well as the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance.
The Northeast Oklahoma Regional Alliance (NORA) is a 501 (c) 3 corporation dedicated to the growth, prosperity, and vitality of northeast Oklahoma and its communities, by promoting regionalism throughout the area; leveraging regional resources; recognizing common issues and identifying collaborative solutions; expanding regional networks; and communicating our regional story.