Spring Break at Will Rogers Memorial Museum and Birthplace Ranch is packed full of special activities each afternoon March 18-22 while schools are closed. Open to all children 17 and under, admission is free thanks to a donation from Win and Kay Ingersoll, Inola ranchers.
Activities are from 1-3 p.m. each day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be at the Claremore Museum. Tuesday and Thursday will be at the Birthplace Ranch near Oologah.
Participants will learn about the life of Will as a child on the ranch in the shadows of the house where Will was born. They will play baseball (try out a real early 20th-century glove) a favorite sport of Will, and learn about the game of polo from a real polo player — and play a little on foot with junior mallets.
Behind the scenes at the Museum, including the tomb where Will and his family are buried and storage of art and archives, highlight the Museum afternoons. There will also be insights into the life of Will as a youth with 19th-century games, his love of flying (a close-up look at the Air Evac Helicopter) and paper airplane contest, poster making and writing as Will did about daily events.
Registration is not needed, just come in.
For additional information on daily activities, see willrogers.com.