Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club Announces Officers for 2020

The Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club is pleased to announce the new officers for 2020: Jennifer Brunn, president; Ruth Ann Weaver, vice-president; Celeste Tillery, secretary; and Alice Brown, treasurer.

They have been busy planning and preparing for upcoming special events, such as the Wild Onion Feast in March, the Old-Fashioned Picnic in May, Hats Off to Will and birthday tribute in November, as well as many others.

Thank you to Cherokee Nation Businesses, the Oklahoma Arts Council, and to the many individuals who support, encourage and help the club achieve their scholarship goals and bring cultural awareness to our community.

For more information, please contact Jennifer at 918-402-3057 or Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club, P.O. Box 3252, Claremore, OK 74018 or visit their website at

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