The 10 Best Places to Raise a Family in Oklahoma for 2021

HomeSnacks (fun name for a website, kind of makes me hungry) has compiled a list of the top 10 best places to raise your fam in Oklahoma. We’re pretty proud to say that little old Claremore not only made the list, but TOPPED it! Yeah, boy.

“How did we determine Oklahoma’s most family friendly places? We consulted the US Census on places in this South Central state with more than 10,000 residents. We looked at several factors: crime, education, family friendly activities, and the percent of households that currently have children. We ended up with 38 family friendly Oklahoma places that any family would be lucky to call home.”

So, if you want your family to safely wake up in the land of ancient mountain ranges and vast prairies in their backyard, great schools down the street, and endless, healthy activities at their disposal, HomeSnacks suggests that you look no further than Oklahoma’s number one place to raise a family, Claremore.

Read the full list HERE. And way to go, Claremore! You’ve done well.

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