Update: Hey, guys, play nice. This is a brand-new system that’s still in Beta-testing mode. This is what WILL allow District 3 to make road repairs faster IN THE FUTURE. They’re working on it, we promise! There are a LOT of miles to cover in Rogers County! Please practice patience. On another note, the city is also preparing to make some major investments in improvements.
Rogers County is using fancy technology to keep up with potential issues with roads and more in the area. With the new Pavement Management System, District 3 can maintain accurate, up-to-date data to streamline work orders.
A special vehicle (similar to the Google Maps car) drives every road in District 3, ranking all of the road conditions. Then the roads are color-coded from green to red on an interactive map. This allows Commissioner Ron Burrows and his crews to see which roads need immediate improvements, so they can get them fixed as quickly as possible.
Robin LePage has worked for District 3 for 12 years and said that the new system has made a tremendous difference in their ability to take a call, locate and add issues, and expedite work orders. The staff is also better informed once repair has been complete.
The system is currently in Beta testing and is already showing huge results. Many other municipalities, including City of Wagoner, have met with Burrows about how it may similarly help their community. They meet weekly to update new issues and track progress, focusing on areas of concern.
District 3 is also conducting a tally of all “assets,” including stop signs, road pipes, bridges, and street signs. All assets are itemized and videoed for future record. This can help in expedition of funds in case of a FEMA-level event, because it can prove what the damaged item looked like in recent times.
Rogers County is working with two firms for these activities, Interactive GIS and Data Stream out of Bentonville, Arkansas.