You’re invited to the Shepherd’s Cross Spin-n-Knit-in, held the second Saturday of each month. Upcoming dates are February 11, March 11, and April 8, from 1p – 4p.
On the second Saturday of each month, drop by the farm to watch or participate as we fellowship and work hand crafts and fiber arts. Bring a craft to work on or come for a “free help session” with fiber arts such as spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, or felting.
Shepherd’s Cross offers weaving and fiber arts classes year-round, on an individual or group basis. Shepherd’s Cross is an accredited Agritourism facility and a Made in Oklahoma Company that processes Animal Welfare Approved fiber (that is chemical free, hormone free, free range, all natural). Shepherd’s Cross hosts a mini wool mill, processing wool from their own sheep, raised on site.
Heart of the Shepherd is the non-profit organization (501-C3) that operates at the farm and establishes wool mills in remote, impoverished areas around the world. Heart of the Shepherd teaches Biblical references to the harvest, the animals, farming, and gardening.
Shepherd’s Cross and their unique Country Craft Shop is open Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 – 5:30, year-round (closed some holidays).