One of the most anticipated events in Claremore is scheduled for Veterans Day, Monday, November 11, kicking off from the Expo Center at 11:11 a.m. This year the Channel 6 evening news team of Craig Day and Lori Fullbright will be the announcers.
This year’s parade is looking like it will be the biggest ever, with Channel 6 storm chasers added to the parade of Veterans, businesses, schools, bands, American Veteran Motorcycle Club, Will Rogers Museum, Claremore High School JrROTC cadets, Thunderbird cadets and many more already signed up.
The 2024 Grand Marshal is set to be 101-year-old U.S. Army Sgt. Paul Perryman, WWII Veteran who served in France with a mortar platoon. He carried 18 mortars on his back, “I carried nine on each side. We only shot three of them,” he laughed. He arrived in France near the end of action but was awarded a Bronze Star.
The parade website (ClaremoreVetsParade.com) has the application and this year there is a commemorative parade t shirt available, the parade application is also available online on the new Claremore Veterans Day Parade Facebook page. If you would like an entry application emailed to you, email coordinator@claremorevetsparade.com or call 918.829.9668.
The deadline for applications is October 31, just a week away.
Any questions should be directed to the parade coordinator at 918.829.9668.