Transformation Tuesday Week 4
The week the wheels fell off. The week started fine and then Thursday, St. Paddy’s day, hit and all bets were off. I skipped the gym that morning (did I mention it was also spring break) and didn’t bother eating better that day. In fact, after enjoying the Claremore festivities at lunchtime we headed to downtown Tulsa. I proceeded to drink/eat all of the things.
It was a great night and I wouldn’t trade it, but maybe a few less appetizers and a couple more green beers for balance might have been a better choice.
As we wrapped up spring break the weekend just kept lending itself to fast food. Turns out you can indeed eat yourself stupid. Here is the point: I was bad and now this week I will be better.

All that said, she is right. It is about balance, not starving and gorging. Despite all of my faltering this past week I managed three hours of basketball on Saturday and coached a little lacrosse on Sunday. (Yelling burns calories I think.)
Here are the stats:
4 Weeks Ago: Weight 278
Current: Weight 269
Math majors help me out, but that seems like 2.25 pounds a week. I’ll take it. If I do that for another 15 weeks I would drop another 33.75 lbs putting me at 235. Goals people, goals.