If you’re bored this summer, we’ve got a whole list of things to do to keep the summer fun and interesting!
Meditate at least 10 minutes per day.
Get a new, fun haircut or try a different color. (Sun-In doesn’t count. Do they still make that stuff?)
Pamper yourself. Get a massage.
Adopt a shelter pet or volunteer at a shelter.
Smile at a stranger.
Start a running (or walking) program.
Read that book you’ve been meaning to read. The Will Rogers Library has plenty of options!
Call an old friend.
Order a dish at a restaurant that you have never tried before. Even better if it’s a local restaurant!
Pay for someone’s meal out. It’s easy to pay it forward, especially in the drive-thru.
Be grateful for the little things.
Visit a new town and find something fun to do there.
Replace one junk food with a superfood. Mmm, sweet potatoes.
Visit a local retirement home and hold someone’s hand.
Plant your favorite vegetable. Perhaps a superfood?
Visit a new town.
Make a new playlist with your favorite songs from back in the day.
Go camping.
Visit a farmers market. The Rogers County Courthouse has one each Saturday from 7a – 1p.
Have a water balloon fight.
Find good deals at a garage sale.
Learn how to use a slow cooker. (Push ON. Haha.)
Make your own popsicles. Pinterest has a TON of recipes; this Blueberries & Cream recipe looks delicious!
Host a game night with family and friends.
Create a reading space/nook in your house or yard.
Eat outside at least twice per week.
Upcycle old clothing, lumber, etc, into a work of art. Again, Pinterest is a great place to start!
Make a mosaic stepping stone for the garden.
Rent a projector and host a movie night in the backyard.
Challenge yourself to make a new recipe each week.
Play frisbee or frisbee golf at Claremore Lake Park.
Meet friends for coffee or tea at a neighborhood spot like She Brews.
Make homemade healthful ice cream.
Help the kids with a lemonade stand.
Go berry picking. Canyon Berry Farms can help you out. And then you can make the Blueberries & Cream popsicles!
Challenge yourself to walk or ride, instead of drive. #morenewyork #lessLA
Surprise a friend with a flower and a note.
Hang a hummingbird feeder on the balcony or deck.
Get a mani/pedi.
Hit the flea market or historic downtown Claremore for some good finds.
Have a girls’ night out.
Buy a new perfume.
Stop and smell the roses.
Go bicycling.
Visit a state you’ve never visited.
Make a donation to your favorite charity.
Take an online class.
Join a book club. Ask at Boarding House Books!
Drink more water.
Wear sunscreen.
Take an outdoor yoga class.
Simplify your lifestyle. Declutter.
Give up refined sugar. AFTER you make the blueberry popsicles.
Walk 10k steps a day.
Reduce streaming and TV watching time.
Start a new workout program. Check out RoCo Fit! (New session starts this fall!)
Clean house and give unwanted items to charity.
Take a dance class.
Become a grilling diva.
Become a pro at push ups.
Mow the grass with a push mower.
Spend more time in nature. Check out the mountain bike trails at Claremore Lake.
Run or bike a charity race, like the Run Read Run 5k at Claremore Lake!
Watch one of your favorite artists perform live. The West Bend Block Party has live music the third Tuesday of each month, and Food Truck Thursday in downtown Claremore hosts musicians the last Thursday!
Spend a night out looking at the stars.
Plant a tree.
Paint an old piece of furniture and make it new again.
Get informed about a social issue.
Create and organize a photo album.
Do a favor for a neighbor.
Join a local organization or group in your neighborhood.
Take up a new craft, like pottery or painting.
Remember those you love, and make them a priority.