In an effort to keep supply costs down, please purchase generic supplies. More specific supplies will be requested by teachers the first week of school for individual classes.
A binder or notebook to keep work organized
college-ruled notebook paper
colored pencils
red pens
blue or black pens
glue sticks
6th grade students: combination or key lock for locker
Optional but greatly appreciated: 2 boxes Kleenex, hand sanitizer, paper towels, EXPO dry erase markers ( to be given to homeroom teacher)
Art supply donations that would be greatly appreciated: poster board, sketch pad, copy paper, construction paper, markers, Sharpies, glue sticks (to be given to art teacher)
*Fees will also be collected for Tech Engineering and Art
*All WRJH students are asked to pay a $5 student fee the first week of school
*Some classes, including electives, will have special supplies and projects during the course of the year that will require additional items.