My kiddo is only beginning his second year in school, and I already am realizing how nuts school supplies lists are. I’m certainly not complaining about the list, but there are things that always seem so odd, am I right? It’s just that they’re so specific. I found an article by Nicole Johansen, and she explains the reasoning behind the crazy lists.
Why back-to-school lists are so long and specific. And what’s up with the 3 dozen glue sticks?
It’s back-to-school time (yaaassss!), but that means it’s also the time when you have to tackle those super-long, super-specific school supply lists (uggghhhh!).
You know what I’m talking about — the 15-plus-items-long list of things your kids need for school.
As a bonus, they’re often brand-name specific. Seriously. Because Elmer’s glue is apparently just that different from generic store brand glue.
Based on the venting ( “OMG, everyone is sold out of pre-sharpened Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencils!”) and cries for help I’m seeing from my fellow parents on social media (“Where did you find three wide-ruled draw-and-write composition books?” — OK, I admit that was my question), a lot of our public school kiddos are being given supply lists quite similar to this one:
While many public schools send these lists to parents, in certain states they’re “requests” not “requirements” (even when not clearly presented that way) because some states cannot legally require students to provide their own school supplies.
Optional or required, however, these school supply lists are important.
I know, I know — lots of us parents have many feelings about them, like:
- We didn’t have to buy a specific list of supplies when we were kids (walking uphill both ways, two miles, in the snow).
- This is public school, not private school! Can’t the glue sticks come out of my taxes?
- This list is so name-brand specific. Are Elmer’s glue sticks reallllyyyy that superior to these cheaper, generic ones?
- Seriously?? So many glue sticks?! Just … what?
And we can all agree that it’s not right that public school budgets are regularly slashed and aren’t big enough to cover the basic necessities essential for our kids’ success. (You know, like pencils.) And in some cases, budgets are misused, and that’s not right, either.
But as much as parents dread shopping for school supplies, our children’s teachers probably dread having to ask.
Katie Sluiter, a mom of three and teacher of 13 years, shares in parents’ frustrations about supplies — just from a different perspective. “I struggle every single August with having to ask for [supply] donations. I hate it,” she says.
She’d love to stop asking parents to bring in a combined total of 800 pencils and 1,000 glue sticks and just buy them herself. But as a teacher, she simply cannot afford to do it.
“I hate that we have two full-time salaried workers in our house. … I have an advanced degree, and we are still living paycheck to paycheck. It feels shameful to have to ask every. single. year. for donations. Teachers don’t want to ask for handouts. We just want to teach.”
You can read the full explanation HERE. But the short version of WHY so many glue sticks?
“They last like 12 seconds … [and] no matter how vigilant we are in supervising the picking up and putting away of supplies, each time we get the tub of glue sticks out, there are about three to five dead soldiers and lone caps rolling in the bottom of the bin.”
Bottom line, teachers want your kids to have the best classroom experience possible, and that’s why all the supplies. Chances are very good that if you balk and don’t bring supplies, the teacher will dip into his or her own pocket and buy what’s necessary, even when they can’t necessarily afford it.