Adult Literacy Volunteers Needed!
Rogers County Literacy Council (RCLC) adult literacy tutor training is taking place soon. Training is two days of workshops in Claremore.
Day one, called “Open Minds” tutor training, will take place from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm February 25 at the Claremore Community Center located at 2301 N. Sioux Ave. The literacy council provides lunch.
Day two, training begins 10:00 am (until approximately 1:30 pm) Saturday, March 4, at the Will Rogers Library located at 1515 N. Florence, Claremore.
What is a literacy tutor? A tutor meets once a week with an adult learner to work on improving reading or writing or spoken English skills. A tutor prepares a lesson, helps a learner reach individual goals such as reading to a child, reading household documents such as a grocery list or medication instructions. A tutor can help a learner prepare for citizenship, improve work opportunities, and improve quality of life. Tutoring is a unique volunteering experience; you get the opportunity to help a member of your community and learn new skills. A learner gets the opportunity to participate more effectively in their family and community life.
If you’ve been considering becoming a literacy tutor, now is a great time to do it, as the majority of students on the waiting list already speak decent English; they are mainly needing help with improving and/or passing the citizenship test. So this is the easiest group and it’s the perfect time to get your feet wet with the literacy council!
The most recent National Adult Literacy Survey estimates 8% of the Rogers County adult population measures below basic literacy levels.
“Statistics regarding literacy levels are startling to us all,” said Edel Godwin, RCLC Director. “Outreach to the community is vital. There is no doubt that knowing free tutoring is available – tailored to the needs of the student – is encouraging people to seek help. Today there is a waiting list for tutors; thirteen adults are waiting for help.”
Learners are adults (16 years and older) working to improve reading skills, up to an eighth grade level. Learners are also adults who want to improve their ability to speak English well.
There are three workshop elements to tutor training:
- Open Minds is an opportunity to better understand adult learners and is required for each volunteer working with RCLC.
- Low literacy tools, techniques and tutor responsibilities.
- Using “Total Physical Response” a teaching method for success with English learners
There is no cost to volunteers. A $35.00 deposit secures a place. The deposit is returned when training is completed. Deposits are requested because a trainer is supplied by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Literacy Office, a minimum of ten guaranteed participants are required. In the event a prospective tutor does not participate, the deposit becomes a donation to literacy.
To sign up, stop by the literacy office at the Will Rogers Library during office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Or contact Edel Godwin 918-277-4331.
Donations to RCLC can be made online at or by mail to Rogers County Literacy Council, 1515 N. Florence, Claremore, OK, 74017.
For any questions, please contact Edel Godwin at, 918-277-4331 (this number is forwarded to a cellphone outside business hours.)