1 1″ 3-ring binder with pockets
1 backpack – no trapper keepers or other 3-ring binders
1 yellow plastic folder with pockets and brads
5 plastic pocket dividers
1 large pencil box for crayons/markers/scissors
1 box 8-count crayola markers classic colors
2 packages #2 pencils – sharpened (no mechanical pencils)
2 spiral notebooks
2 packages wide-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper
1 box 24-count crayons
2 packages dry erase markers
1 package of 4 multicolored highlighters
1 pack of 2 small glue sticks
1 pair large pointed quality scissors (to cut fabric/paper)
2 large boxes Kleenex
1 package Pink Pearl erasers
1 pack construction paper
1 ream copy paper
GIRLS: 1 roll paper towels and 1 bottle hand sanitizer
GIRLS: 1 package glue sticks for art class
BOYS: 1 Clorox wipes and 1 box sandwich Ziploc bags
BOYS: 1 package thick watercolor paper for art class
School begins Wednesday, August 23, at 8a.
www.oologah.k12.ok.us for more information.
New student enrollment begins July 31.
Central enrollment 918-443-6055