4 plastic folders with pockets and brads ( 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 orange)
4 pkgs #2 wood pencils
Crayola 7-inch pre-sharp colored pencils 12 count
regular pencil sharpener with receptacle
1 small nylon zippered pencil bag/grommet for pencils and erasers
2 large boxes Kleenex
2 white hi-polymer erasers
Crayola crayons 24 count
Fiskars 7-inch sharp scissors
2 77 oz. Elmer’s glue stick
plastic school box
Clorox wipes
1″ white 3-ring binder
1 subject spiral notebook
3 composition notebooks
2-200 ct. wide ruler filler paper
4 Expo dry erase markers, any color or size
1 pkg markers
1 pkg multicolor construction paper
BOYS: 1 box Ziploc quart bags
BOYS: markers for art class
GIRLS: 1 container hand sanitizer
GIRLS: crayons for art class
School begins Wednesday, August 23, at 8a.
www.oologah.k12.ok.us for more information.
New student enrollment begins July 31.
Central enrollment 918-443-6055