Leadership Rogers County Gives Back to Training Center in Claremore

Pictured L to R, back row: Ralph Richardson, Brandon Parduhn, Erin Griffiths, Calli Payne. Front row: Ashley May, Kassie McCoy, Sarah Sharp, Amber Gilliland, Chip Shepard, Jessica Wilbourn, Amy Littleton, and Greg Crawford

The Leadership Rogers County Class of 2018 recently presented a big check to the Rogers County Training Center. After last year’s tour of the facility, which provides jobs for developmentally disabled adults, the class decided to choose the training center for their class project.

Leadership Rogers County is a group of area citizens who meet once a month over the course of nine months. They spend each day together visiting Rogers County businesses and organizations. One of the first sessions for the class is Quality of Life Day, when the class visits several non-profits in the area. After that meeting, the class decides which of those will be the recipient of a donation at the end of the year.

The Class of 2018 was touched by the Training Center’s need for large industrial fans for their warehouse. LRC held a golf tournament in April, which raised the funds necessary to install not one, but two fans at the facility. The directors and employees were very grateful!

To learn more about Leadership Rogers County, click HERE. 

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