Claremore has a population of roughly 19,000. has more than 27k likes on social media. This means that people are aware of what we’re doing, which is keeping our city updated with the latest positive news in town.
We post a minimum of three stories per day about various events, businesses, and more. Sometimes it’s just something funny that made us laugh. But whatever it is, we want it to make you happy, because that means there’s a good chance you’ll visit our site again.
That’s what our advertisers are counting on, too! We have a proven successful track record with our clients, providing an affordable outlet to spread their marketing message. We offer custom packages for every budget. Our goal from the beginning was to allow every business, no matter how small, the opportunity to advertise to the masses at an affordable rate.
You’re likely preparing your advertising budget for 2018 now, and we’d like to be part of it. Contact Travis at and he can help tailor a message that’s perfect for your company.