Back left to right: Lovella Jones, Brandon Parduhn, Kevin Fortna, Erin Griffiths, Chip Shepard, Kassie McCoy, Connor Pulley, Jessica Wilbourn and Amber Gilliland. First row left to right: Sarah Sharp, Kaleigh Hossack, Willie Ng and Davis Johnson.
The third session of the 2018 Class of Leadership Rogers County was spent touring the Rogers County Health Department, Hillcrest Hospital Claremore, Claremore Rec Center and The Cornerstone, with lunch provided by Front Porch Bakery.
At the Rogers County Health Department, a variety of employees came to present to the class, beginning with a warm welcome from Renetta Harrison, the department’s Health Educator. Throughout the morning, presentations were given by Jeff Campbell, Environmental Health; Nancy Horton, Clinic; Julia Burton, SoonerStart; Trena Hickenbothan, Child Guidance/Project Launch; Jennifer Guest, WIC; Janae Hogan, Senior Companion; Amy Schultheiss, Emergency Preparedness & Response; Renetta Harrison, Health Education; and Connie Cordray, Children First. The Health Department’s mission is “to protect health, to prevent disease and injury, and to cultivate conditions by which Oklahomans can be healthy,” which was exemplified through the presentations by the employees. The class found the health inspector’s presentation to be the most interesting as it was titled, “Eliminating the Nasty.”
“Rogers County is lucky to have the Health Department, which promotes wellness and provides programs for the community, schools, agencies and businesses,” said classmate Kassie McCoy. Classmate Erin Griffiths continued, “Having moved here from Kansas, most of what we heard was new to me. I’m amazed at all that is available here in Claremore varying from programs to provide for families in need to fitness classes available year-round.”
After lunch, the group toured Hillcrest Hospital Claremore and then visited the Claremore Rec Center. To start, the class was given a tour of the state-of-the-art facility with a special focus on the new surgical wing. Advanced emergency and medical services are available right here, at home, in Claremore. At the Rec Center, the class toured the facility where they learned about all amenities available including the new daycare area, new workout equipment, indoor tennis courts and an area to host birthday parties.
The last stop was made touring The Cornerstone building that houses Dr. Brett Murray’s Reset Chiropractic, Beast Mode, JH Nail Spa, soon-to-open J. Farley’s and Dirty Dozen. Crystal Campbell, owner and developer of The Cornerstone, spoke to the group about her dreams of giving Claremore another community space to spend time with family and friends, and how she looks forward to the positive impact it will have on the community.
Leadership Rogers County is a program designed to develop the talent and broaden the perspectives of its yearly class. Class members are selected through an application process and must commit to giving their best efforts to the group for the year. Leadership Rogers County focuses on expanding the students’ knowledge of what Claremore and Rogers County have to offer in the community and gives participants the opportunity to network with local businesses, organizations, public officials, and more. LRC consists of people who want to make a difference in the community. To learn more about Leadership Rogers County, visit