Rogers County Coalition seeking donations of Valentine’s Day Cards boxes for county schools project
The holidays are over. The Christmas tree and decorations are put away for another year. Thoughts now turn toward Valentine’s Day. But, what if you are a child whose parents couldn’t afford to purchase Valentine’s Day cards?
For the past two years, the Rogers County Coalition stepped up to fill this gap and asked the community for help to purchase Valentine’s Day cards that were then delivered to every elementary school in Rogers County. Teachers then distributed the boxes to students whom they knew needed a little assistance.
“It has been a great little project that turned out bigger than we anticipated the past two years. The community and businesses have really supported this project. Last year, every school in Rogers County was delivered several boxes to distribute. We are sponsoring this project again, and would like to ask the community for their help once again. It’s the community who helps us make this project successful with their donations,” said Tonda Ames, secretary of Rogers County Coalition.
Boxes of cards can be dropped off at these locations through Feb. 6: Rogers County DHS office from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.., and RCB Bank located at 300 West Patti Page Blvd. in Claremore, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monetary donations will also be accepted at the Rogers County DHS office location only. Checks should be made out to the Rogers County Coalition.
The Coalition would like to have all cards and donations by February 6 so that they can be delivered to the schools in time for Valentine’s Day parties. For more information, contact: