Tulsa Pier Drilling Donates to Northeast Tech Foundation

Tulsa Pier Drilling CEO, Dr. Cara Cowan Watts, presents a $500 check to Northeast Tech Business & Industry Services Director Liberty Shere and Adult Education Director Troy Steidley on behalf of her team at Tulsa Pier Drilling (TPD).

Northeast Tech recently received a generous donation from one of its industry partners. Tulsa Pier Drilling presented a $500 check to be used for scholarships for individuals receiving training from Northeast Tech.

“Tulsa Pier Drilling has always been a fantastic partner to our Business & Industry Services, Adult Education and full-time programs,” said Liberty Shere, Northeast Tech Business & Industry Services Director. “They are very engaged in training their employees and providing us with feedback to make our programs better.”

The 100% Native American owned and operated and 51% Native American woman-owned and operated Tulsa Pier Drilling was created in 1998 by Doug Watts, a Wyandotte Nation citizen, who continues as President and Co-Owner, today. In 2016, Doug handed over day-to-day operations of the company to CEO and Principal Owner, Cara Cowan Watts, PhD, who is a Cherokee Nation citizen with degrees and experience in a wide range of engineering disciplines.

“Locally, Tulsa Pier Drilling employees 18 staff members and has created all of these jobs from the ground-up as meaningful careers,” said Cowan Watts. “All of TPD’s jobs require skilled labor and most rely on programs that Northeast Tech provides as training or certificates.”

Tulsa Pier Drilling travels throughout the continental United States safely meeting drilling needs, delivering on difficult deep-foundation drilling terrains and soils using modern track and truck-mounted drilling equipment, including low-clearance rigs. Tulsa Pier Drilling has the internal capacity to buy, tie, and set rebar cages, buy, place, and test concrete, and set anchor bolts using state of the art GPS and theodolite tools, and uses pre-engineered steel concrete forms for finished reveals at the top of each pier.

“We appreciate our partnership with Liberty Shere and her team who work with us on specific training we need, developing a journeyman program for our drillers, or referring potential employees to us,” said Cowan Watts.


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