Oklahoma Jobs: COVID-19 Talent Exchange

Submit your information to be connected to businesses currently hiring.

The Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development is working closely with the Oklahoma Grocers Association, Oklahoma Retail Association, and Oklahoma Hospitality and Restaurant Associations to try and match out-of-work Oklahomans with industries who need employees to fill current job openings. Many grocers and retail employers in areas across the state are actively hiring and need to fill positions immediately. This effort will quickly connect job-seekers to employers who need new workers right now.

If you would like to be considered for an immediate position, please complete the requested Job Seeker Information. Your contact information will be shared with employers in your specific area who have immediate hiring needs.

If you are an employer interested in having your job openings featured and directly receiving jobseeker information, complete the requested Employer Information or contact sarah.ashmore@okcommerce.gov.

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