A letter from President Rice

This past semester has been a time of great challenge for the members of our Hillcat family and the communities we serve. In the face of uncertainty and significant hardship, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been met with great resilience. This determined spirit will lead us forward, together.

When it’s time for our students to continue their educational goals, we’ll be here for them. Our intention is to return to in-person educational operations on all three campuses, including traditional instruction and residential life this fall. For those unable to join us on campus, we are committed to offering quality online courses and programs.

Safety precautions will be at the forefront of every decision we make. This includes adapting class schedules, utilizing the continued practice of social distancing, and extensive cleaning of buildings and residence halls. We will exercise caution and adapt our operations based upon developing data and the guidance of health authorities. 

I am proud of how our RSU family has come together to rise to these challenges, and I look forward to the day when we will all be together again, safely, this fall. 

Larry Rice,
Rogers State University

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