63.1 F


Crazy Clever Cleaning Hacks

I've seen a few of these before, and I figure if they keep reappearing, they might be worth checking out. So read through, grab...

Bacon, Beans, and Limousines: Episode 14

In this episode of the podcast, Bart and Jake are back in the basement, talking about Will Rogers and his venture into the big...

Dear First-Time Kindergarten Mom

Reprinted with permission   Dear First-Time Kindergarten Mom, It's 12:30 in the morning. Are you still up? Me, too. I mean, really, who can sleep? Tomorrow (er, today) it...

In the Fields Again…

  Submitted by MCM reader David Steward. One, two One, two, three, four   On the road again Just can't wait to get in the fields again The life I love...

Two Chips

A guy's wife drank a bottle of wine, then wanted to tell him a joke. He recorded it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i-WyXjHcbw

West Bend Green: A Whole New Experience

In a previous life, I worked for a company that made television commercials. This led to me being in front of the camera a...

Five Unknown Beauty Tips 

There are many facets that contribute to an all-around good beauty experience each morning in your bathroom, and what I'd like to share with...

Rare Helen Keller Video: Amazing

Take a couple of moments to watch this 1930 interview with Helen Keller and her mentor, Anne Sullivan. What an inspirational pair of women....

Walmart with Wings

Raise your hand if you remember wearing your Sunday best to travel on an airplane. I can even recall going shopping with my mother...

#ShareaCoke with the McGillicuddys

So it seems Coke has started this crazy marketing ploy where they have people's names printed on cans of Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. I...

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