Fitness with Carrie’s Cardio BLAST Attack will get you moving!
If you need something to stay on track (or get back on track) with your New Year’s resolutions… THIS IS FOR YOU!!!
1️⃣ High knees – 1 minute
2️⃣ Chair squat, hop, wide squat/plié, hop – 1 minute
3️⃣ Cross hops (alternating legs) – 1 minute
4️⃣ Wide squat/plié touch ground, jump reaching up – 1 minute
5️⃣ Single leg hop side to side – 1 minute (then switch legs)
6️⃣ Jump full turn (or hop half turn, hop) alternating direction – 1 minute
Beginners 2 sets = 14 minutes (💦 water break between sets)
Intermediate 3 sets = 21 minutes or Advanced 4 sets 👌🏼👌🏼👊🏼👊🏼
For video and more fitness tips, follow Fitness with Carrie on facebook!