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Fitness & Health

Inspiring Balance

I’m not your stereotypical zen yogi, and I felt like a bit of a fraud writing this. I know I need to practice yoga, but I...

Claremore Trails Get a Facelift

Thanks to a group of hardworking Claremore folks, the Claremore Mountain Bike Trail is looking pretty fancy. Last Saturday, September 27, a group of volunteers slipped...

40 Things to Try When You Don’t Want to Work Out

 Some days motivation to workout is low. SparkPeople suggests these 40 ways to motivate yourself! reprinted from SparkPeople By: Nicole Nichols, SparkPeople Blogger We all have the days where we...

Pump Up Your Playlist

Music makes a difference when you're getting your workout on. Whether you're running, lifting weights or cleaning house, a good playlist can make a...

Claremore has a Mountain Bike Trail!

I've been gleaning inspiration from a great group of guys (Brandon Irby, Travis Ward, & Nathan Kuykendall) all summer long. We've found that we...

Let’s Talk Cellulite

CAN WE GET REAL? Let's talk CELLULITE! I usually hide my legs, they've always been solid, and even though I work out and eat properly (most...

Monday Motivation by Nichole

Here are some motivational fitness quotes for your Monday, courtesy of 2014 Mrs. Claremore Nichole Potter! Nichole is a certified fitness instructor and Beachbody Coach,...

Make Running Easier!

Here are some exercises that you can do to help make running easier. Doing these will strengthen the muscles specific to running, and help...

Coffee: Drink Up!

The average American drinks 3.4 cups of coffee a day? Does that sound about right for you? What are the benefits of coffee? 1. Coffee can help...

Why is kale everywhere these days?

Every food has its season, right? Summer is the perfect time for fresh produce stands filled with peaches, tomatoes and corn straight off the...

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